Monday, April 14, 2014





Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sporteve publikon kryesisht informacione mbi legjislacionin, vendime/urdhëra dhe konferenca shtypi. Informacionet statistikore është e vështirë të gjenden se ato publikohen nga INSTAT, përveç kuotave studentore në universitetet publike që gjenden në formën e Vendimeve të Këshillit të Ministrave.

Për momentin nuk është përditësuar. Vlen të shikohet arkiva:


Agjencia Publike e Akreditimit të Arsimit të Lartë (APAAL) është një institucion shtetëror dhe publik, pjesë e Sistemit të Sigurimit të Cilësisë në Arsimin e Lartë në Shqipëri, në varësi administrative të Ministrisë së Arsimit dhe Shkencës, e krijuar me vendim të KM nr. 303, datë 1.7.1999 “Për krijimin e sistemit të akreditimit në arsimin e lartë”. APAAL ka si mision kryesor të saj sigurimin e cilësisë në arsimin e lartë.

Faqja ka informacione mbi kuadrin ligjor të sigurimit të cilësisë, raportet e vlerësimit të jashtëm (të dy viteve të fundit), informacione mbi standardet e cilësisë etj. Faqja përditësohet rregullisht.


As the only United Nations agency with a mandate in higher education, UNESCO facilitates the development of evidence-based policies in response to new trends and developments in this field emphasizing its role in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and particularly poverty eradication.

· Reform and Innovation


The National Tempus Office in Albania help improve the relevance, effectiveness and impact of the Tempus programme in the National Tempus Office's country.

Ka informacione (kryesisht në anglisht) mbi bursat e BE-se, informacione mbi sistemin e arsimit të lartë në Shqipëri etj. Nuk përditësohet rregullisht.


Libraria ligjore është baza e të dhënave më e përditësuar në Republikën e Shqipërisë. Sistemi është i lehtë të përdoret dhe me një makinë të mire kërkimi.

Mund të konsultoheni edhe me faqen e internetit të Qendrës së Publikimeve Zyrtare ( Por nuk është lehtësisht e përdorshme (grupuar në vite dhe botime). Makina e kërkimit nuk punon dhe aktet ligjore janë në .pdf sipas botimit në fletoren zyrtare. Gjithashtu faqja ngarkohet së tepërmi dhe është tmerrësisht e ngadalshme.


Në zbatim të ligjit nr.9180, datë 05.02.2004 "Për statistikat zyrtare", INSTAT përbëhet nga një numër institucionesh të ngarkuar për prodhimin e statistikave zyrtare dhe institucione të tjera, publike ose jo, të cilët nxjerrin statistika të fushave të ndryshme për monitorimin apo zbatimin e politikave të veta zhvilluese. Sistemi Kombëtar Statistikor e ushtron aktivitetin në përputhje me ligjin e lartpërmendur dhe Programin shumëvjeçar të Statistikave i cili miratohet me vendim të veçantë të Kuvendit të Shqipërisë. Përgjegjës për zbatimin e Programit dhe monitorimin e Sistemit Statistikor është Instituti i Statistikave (INSTAT) si institucioni kryesor prodhues i statistikave zyrtare.  

Ka disa statistika bazike mbi arsimin e lartë:


Education GPS is the source for internationally comparable data on education policies and practices, opportunities and outcomes. Accessible any time, in real time, the Education GPS provides you with the latest information on how countries are working to develop high-quality and equitable education systems.


Inside Higher Ed is the online source for news, opinion and jobs for all of higher education. Whether you're an adjunct or a vice president, a grad student or an eminence grise, we've got what you need to thrive in your job or find a better one: breaking news and feature stories, provocative daily commentary, areas for comment on every article, practical career columns, and a powerful suite of tools to help higher education professionals get jobs and colleges identify and hire employees.


NAFSA advocates for public policies that lead to a more globally engaged and welcoming United States. In the debate about America's future, we advocate for U.S. policies that foster a more peaceful world, result in a commonsense immigration process, encourage enlightened global engagement, and sustain an informed civic culture through international education.


The International Comparative Higher Education Finance and Accessibility Project is a program of research, information dissemination and networking looking at the worldwide shift of the burden of higher education costs from governments and taxpayers to parents and students.


INCHER-Kassel conducts research on questions concerning higher education institutions and tertiary studies, as well as on topics at the interface between higher education and other fields of society.

The research questions are addressed in a structure of four thematic areas:

· Students and Graduates

· Change of Knowledge

· Governance and Organization

· Innovation and Transfer

In addition, cross-cutting issues such as globalisation, social inequality and gender-addressed questions have significance in all four areas.



The Center for International Higher Education defines its mission to be advancing knowledge about the complex realities of higher education in the contemporary world.

The Center has developed several areas of activity. This website contains detailed information concerning our work:


Centre for Education Policy (CEP) is an independent multidisciplinary research centre which provides professional support to decision makers and practitioners in developing, implementing and evaluating policies in the field of education. To complement these, CEP continually strives to identify and bring to light areas in need to be addressed by both decision makers and scientific community, while strongly advocating in favour of informing education policy and practice with evidence provided through social science research.

Apart from its permanent staff (below), CEP also has a wide network of associates from different parts of the region and beyond.




The Research Group for Higher Education Research & Policy (CHERP) is an interdisciplinary research group focused on equity, diversity, access, persistence, and contemporary policy issues.


The CHE is a think tank for higher education. Based on international comparisons, we develop models for the modernisation of higher education systems and institutions. These models we define in close dialogue with decision makers from the higher education sector and politics. We undertake research on higher education and develop political scenarios. Our activities aim at the realisation and testing of new models in terms of steering and controlling as well as organisational models. On the basis of thus gained experience, we assist in further developing these models by carrying out pilot projects and by critically accompanying reform measures.

Organizuan projektin e Renditjes së IAL-ve në Shqipëri (2011).


NIFU intends to be an independent source for knowledge and an agenda-setter for policy, in its specialist areas of education, research, innovation and skills development. The institute’s vision is to develop studies of education, research and innovation, as multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields of research in a global perspective; in doing this it will develop and strengthen its position as a leading European research institute for these areas.



The project Towards Sustainable & Equitable Financing of Higher Education Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia - FINHED aims to contribute to ensuring a more efficient, effective and equitable financing of higher education in the Western Balkans through (a) gathering and analysing fundamental and essential evidence on system-level and institutional financing and equity in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia; (b) introduction and implementation of the EUROSTUDENT survey in the three countries of the Western Balkans; (c) strengthening local expertise in developing policies on financing and equity in higher education; (d) development of a policy framework for an efficient, effective and equitable higher education systems in the three countries; (e) development of university financing models based on sensible diversification of income streams and strengthen universities' capacities to implement these models; and (d) the establishment of Regional Resource Point with the purpose to sustain results and disseminate them across the region.



The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), was founded as a subsidiary organ of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in pursuance of Resolution No. 2/8-E adopted by the Eighth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (ICFM), held in Tripoli in May 1977. The Centre started its activities in Ankara on 1 June 1978.


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